Sunday, March 30, 2014

#011, in which Danny-boy has 2 left feet at the gay ball

April 1940, and ol Danny-boy is back as the lead-off story in MYSTERY MEN #9, however he misses getting the cover spot.

The rate of 8 pages for the Beetle in MM seems to become standard by now, and allows for a little more set-up,character development and a few more gags with Sgt. Mannigan.
Here we see Dan pretend to not be able to dance, an obvious rouse of clumsiness to anyone who may come to suspect him of being the Beetle.
We are also introduced to Commission Donelly's daughter, Mary.

No gadgets this time (do i really need to say he uses a "beetle" to frighten his targets in every entry? ), but we do see the first use of a reversible Beetle costume--one that when turned inside out doubles as his police uniform. The gloves are back to blue after a few outings of being yellow.
We also get a nice full page ad in the inside back cover advertising Fox's "Big 5" of their anthologies, with a BB repro of Mystery Men #8.
Art by Charles Nicholas.


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